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Bid Disclaimer

Warning: This document contains information which is confidential and protected by copyright or which may contain any other intellectual property rights. If you are the intended recipient, you should not disclose or distribute this document or part of it to third parties without the consent of our company.

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EMMSA IT Services makes no representation, warranty, or commitment, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained in this document, which is based on assumptions, opinions and estimates expressed based on partial knowledge achieved according to data previously received or exchanged, so it constitutes the judgment of EMMSA IT Services at the date of issuance of the document and may be subject to subsequent changes. Any statement and planning contained in the document is therefore based on a series of assumptions regarding the business, technology, execution conditions of the project or service and other variables, therefore there can be no guarantee for its fairness, accuracy, or completeness, nor that all the expected results will be achieved. EMMSA IT Services accepts no liability for any loss, damage or otherwise arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the content of this document or any subsequent communication.

Any message which content is against our policies, please forward it to info@emmsa.net and/or report it on our complaint form in order to review it and do the corresponding actions.

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